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Interview by Dr Pankaj Kumar on India Today news channel regarding mental health

As we just celebrated mental health week, the hullabaloo regarding a disease stays only on the designated day and soon we forget and go about our routine lives, But the stigma surrounding mental illness stays!

India Today reporter visited our clinic, The Healers Psychiatry & Dental Center, and did an exclusive program to spread awareness and reduce stigma. She interviewed my esteemed patients who all agreed to come on camera and share their stories, and journeys to spread awareness and tell the world that mental illnesses are treatable, managing their mental health with a help of mental health expert.

Their stories are real, their struggles are tremendous, and their strength to share is commendable.
Let’s be kind to everyone, as we don’t know what battles one is fighting inside and outside.

A glimpse of the interview which was aired on 21st October 2022 in prime time on India Today News Channel.

Dr. Pankaj Kumar



Watch the complete interview here: https://youtu.be/5aLfWXH7Ot8

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