Kids dentistry
Dentists suggest that the first check-up for your kid must happen when he or she is 12 months old. By that time teeth and jaw development reaches a normal level and parents begin to understand how to look after their children to keep him or her healthy.
Guidelines for oral hygiene for children
Visits to the dentist are always important for both you and your children. During early checkups, you learn about how to care for the teeth and gums of your child at a very early age and how to teach them to take care of their teeth by themselves. You can also consult the dentist about any questions, or concerns you have regarding the oral habits and health of your children that might occur in the future. Proper dental checkups for maintaining excellent dental health for children is very important. These checkups are a great opportunity to assess:
• How many teeth are there in the kid’s mouth?
• Does she or he have all the teeth?
• Did he or she lose any teeth?
• Does the child need braces?
• Are there any possible cavity problems?
• Proper checkup of gums condition.
• Oral habits of the child
• What is the diet of the child?
• How he or she takes care of the teeth?
• What kind of toothpaste is the child using?
• Resolving parents’ concerns regarding their child’s oral health
Every child is different, and they might take their own time in learning all the tips and tricks on how to take care of their teeth properly. But you need to be patient and teach your child everything with proper attention.
Regular kids dentistry procedures
- Application of fluoride on teeth to prevent the negative effect of sweet and sticky food on the teeth.
- Sealing deep pits and fissures in teeth to avoid the harmful effects of wrong eating habits.
- Fluoride filling to treat cavities in milk teeth and lasting teeth.
- Orthodontic evaluation to see if your child needs braces.
- Habit-breaking contraption to eradicate bad and harmful habits in a childlike thumb-sucking, breathing through the mouth, and more.